Exciting news! Chekk is partnering with Alygne to leverage ESG data & analysis into its Know Your Business (KYB) & Know Your Suppliers (KYS) solution

Alygne, Inc., a startup headquartered in San Francisco, is an expert in Environmental, Social and Governance (‘ESG’) data & information retrieval on companies, helping consumers, investors and other stakeholders to make the right decisions based on their values. Using patented Artificial Intelligence / Natural Language Processing models & algorithms, @Alygne mines large amounts of current & historical information (from Annual Reports, websites, news, social networks…) before delivering a clear picture of a company’s values and matching analysis with the user’s values & preferences.

This is another example of the great partners Chekk is working with around the world to support its next generation Digital Identity, KYC/KYB & Data portability platform. Contact us to know more: contact@chekk.me
